Rose Hips in Coloured Pencil
Step-by-step Tutorial about working with coloured pencil
Hydrangea 'Preziosa'
A series of posts about the making of a large drawing in coloured pencils.
This one has a set on Flickr with more images of the process.

This one has a set on Flickr with more images of the process.

Nectaroscurdum siculum

a large drawing in coloured pencil.
There are even more sketches of this project
on my Flickr-stream.
Bark in Coloured Pencil
Bark, bark, bark!
Some things to try out
A leaf (about foreshortening)
Akebia and a fuzzy practice (drawing a graphite pencil drawing and a hairy leaf in coloured pencil
Finished Work (some information about a few watercolour paintings I painted for the SBA exhibition in 2011)
I'm a bad blogger (Bits and pieces about some WIP bulb-projects in watercolour)